Defend Democracy: A Little Civil Discourse

by Joyce Vance

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In the middle of all the high stakes political maneuvering going on in Washington, we shouldn’t overlook the importance of a little civil discourse in our own lives. Like the elegantly simple statement being made by the woman in front of me in line at the airport this morning who was nice enough to let me snap a photo.

These simple reminders help people who understand that democracy is on the ballot know that they aren’t alone. They are also seeds that we plant for people who are still trying to decide whether and how to vote.

It’s hard to understand how anyone could still be on the fence, but we don’t have to figure that out. What we need to understand is the importance of meeting people where they are and, rather than expressing surprise that they’re undecided, trying to counter some of the disinformation that’s circulating and may be keeping them on the ledge, with facts.

Last week, one of the favorite Republican political myths, that Biden is too old to be president while Trump is capable and vibrant, resurfaced.

Joe Biden out for a ride on June 1, 2024 in Rehoboth, Delaware.

Seen Trump on a bicycle lately?

Biden is 81 years old. Trump turned 78 on Friday. It’s not a significant difference in age. While both of them occasionally have to reach for a word, as so many perfectly capable people do as they grow older, the similarities stop there. But the narratives being told about the candidates’ age and ability are very different and don’t match the reality that anyone who takes the time to can readily observe.

Biden flew to Europe for the D-Day anniversary, then home, then back to Europe for the G7 Summit, and held up to the rigors of travel well. His foreign policy expertise was on full display as he deftly handled key allies amid Putin’s war in Ukraine.

What did the President’s political opponents make of his trips? Right-wing media outlets circulated video, now all over social media, that makes it appear that Biden wandered off at the G7 summit while all the leaders were gathered. But that’s not what happened. The actual video shows Biden walking over to congratulate parachutists who were part of the celebration.

You might ask fence-sitters to consider, why would anyone do this? If Biden really isn’t up to the job, right-wingers wouldn’t have to make up a story, deceptively edit video, and push it out. If they’d make up a story like that, what else are they lying about? And perhaps most importantly, why are they lying to you?

What was Trump doing while Biden was supporting our key European alliances? His teleprompter went down during a campaign speech in Nevada with awkward results.

“I’ll take electrocution every single time,” Trump said. “I’m not getting near the shark.” Okay. I’ll take the guy who is handling American business over the guy babbling about sharks every time. And maybe if some of the folks who haven’t made up their minds yet knew about it, they would too.

It’s a good time to try out a little civil discourse and encourage people to look up the actual facts and video for themselves—they don’t have to take your word for it. You can explain what is actually happening to them, but tell them to check it out for themselves. One of the benefits of having truth on your side is that you can do that. Trump’s claims about Biden don’t withstand daylight.

The GOP is still beating the “Biden crime family” dead horse when in fact, their efforts to provoke criminal investigation or impeachment have all spectacularly and publicly failed. Their key witness lied to the FBI and faces prosecution—they seem to have forgotten his existence. And despite the strong push to “get” Hunter Biden, which produced the gun charges he was just convicted on and the tax charges he still faces, no evidence surfaced that implicated President Biden in international corruption or fraud schemes MAGA Republicans have been pushing. Last September, three-fifths of American voters believed the unproven but widely repeated allegations that Joe Biden was involved in corruption. Since then, those allegations have gone from being unproven to disproven. There were even suggestions that the failed GOP witness, Alexander Smirnov, was peddling lies for Russia.

Anyone who is turned off from voting because they hear Joe Biden was as corrupt as Trump? Turns out it was all a mirage, a very successful public relations coup for Republicans.

That’s an important point to share. Suggest that your friends examine what they see on social media carefully, because it’s not all true. Concerned about Gaza? It’s worth it for a voter for whom that issue is important to take a look at the differences between Biden’s and Trump’s positions and decide which they feel better serves their concerns. Worried about climate change? Trump’s recent meeting with Big Oil—the one where he asked them to to donate $1 billion to his campaign while promising he would terminate Biden’s policies on electric vehicles, wind energy, and other plans to decrease reliance on fossil fuels—is informative. Do they really want to trust the guy who is calling for a revenge presidency? The guy who blithely attacks Joe Biden for being old, while the press seems to give him a pass on far worse.

The key point is this: democracy is the system that unlocks all of our other rights. In its absence, those rights fade away. How you are able to live your life could come down to the whims of a ruler who has only his own self-interest in mind. People still get to vote this November. They should exercise that right carefully, and cherish it, especially if they want to be able to do it in the future.

A little civil discourse can go along way. Don’t hesitate to practice. And please share the newsletter—it’s free—with folks you think might benefit from being encouraged to think and fact check for themselves.

We’re in this together,


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Author: Richard L. Fricks

Former CPA, attorney, and lifelong wanderer. I'm now a full-time skeptic and part-time novelist. The rest of my time I spend biking, gardening, meditating, photographing, reading, writing, and encouraging others to adopt The Pencil Driven Life.

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