Snowflake Summaries–The Tangent Objective, by Lawrence Sanders

The primary aim of the "Snowflake Summaries" blog category is to showcase the creative writing of great authors. I use Randy Ingermanson's 'Snowflake' method to create these summaries. Here's a brief description of the one-sentence, one-paragraph, and one-page summary method.

Hopefully, these posts will motivate you to read great fiction and to write your own novel, whether your first or your fifteenth.

The first great novelist I'll start with is Lawrence Sanders. Here's a short biography.

The Tangent Objective, by Lawrence Sanders

**”The Tangent Objective” by Lawrence Sanders** is a gripping thriller that dives into the murky waters of international intrigue and corruption, centered around a lawyer’s perilous mission in Africa.

### One Sentence Summary:

In **”The Tangent Objective,”** lawyer Gregory Duncan finds himself entangled in a dangerous web of corruption and conspiracy as he navigates the political and corporate battles over oil in a turbulent African nation.

### One Paragraph Summary:

**”The Tangent Objective”** follows Gregory Duncan, a sharp and ambitious lawyer from New York, who is hired by a powerful corporation to secure lucrative oil contracts in the fictional African country of Luandia. As he arrives in Africa, he quickly becomes a pawn in a complex plot involving multinational corporations, cold-blooded mercenaries, and the country’s struggling government. Tasked with negotiating deals that favor his employers, Duncan’s eyes are opened to the brutal realities of exploitation and geopolitical gamesmanship. His journey from a naive lawyer to a hardened realist is fraught with moral dilemmas and physical dangers, as he allies with unexpected partners to expose the corruption and perhaps redeem his own complicity in the exploitation.

### One Page Summary:

**”The Tangent Objective”** by Lawrence Sanders is a compelling exploration of the intersection between corporate greed, international politics, and human rights. The protagonist, Gregory Duncan, is a young and somewhat idealistic corporate lawyer from New York who sees a job opportunity as a chance to escape his unsatisfying job and a broken relationship. He is hired by an international consortium to facilitate oil deals in Luandia, a country rich in resources but plagued by political instability and poverty.

Upon his arrival in Africa, Duncan is thrust into a world far removed from his previous life. He encounters a diverse cast of characters, including ruthless corporate executives, cynical mercenaries, corrupt government officials, and desperate rebels. Each of these players is driven by their own agendas, and Duncan must navigate their manipulations and betrayals. He is introduced to the harsh realities of business in developing countries, where the rules of engagement are dictated by power and money, not law and ethics.

As Duncan delves deeper into his work, he becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the role he plays in the exploitation of Luandia’s resources. He witnesses firsthand the impact of foreign intervention on the local population, including environmental damage, exploitation of labor, and the perpetuation of violence. These experiences ignite a change in him, prompting him to reconsider his values and his place in the world.

The narrative tension escalates when Duncan discovers a conspiracy that goes beyond mere corporate greed—a plot that threatens the very stability of Luandia and the lives of its citizens. With the help of a seasoned journalist and a disillusioned mercenary, he sets out to expose the conspiracy, but his actions put him at great personal risk. Sanders expertly weaves a story of suspense and action, as Duncan and his allies race against time to prevent a catastrophe.

In the climactic conclusion, Duncan confronts both the external enemies and his own internal conflicts. The resolution of the plot sees him taking drastic measures to thwart the plans of the consortium, redefining his sense of justice and morality. Through this journey, Duncan emerges as a more complex and enlightened character, though at significant personal cost.

**”The Tangent Objective”** is a thriller that not only entertains but also challenges the reader to think critically about the moral implications of global commerce and foreign policy. Lawrence Sanders crafts a narrative that is rich in detail and scope, offering a gritty and realistic look at the complexities of African politics and Western involvement. The novel stands out for its dynamic characters, fast-paced plot, and a thought-provoking message about the price of progress and who pays it.

Author: Richard L. Fricks

Former CPA, attorney, and lifelong wanderer. I'm now a full-time skeptic and part-time novelist. The rest of my time I spend biking, gardening, meditating, photographing, reading, writing, and encouraging others to adopt The Pencil Driven Life.

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